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有一次我和母亲还有小伙伴们一起玩“点新娘”的游戏,由母亲来点。我们一共有10个人,其中我身高和某某相符,肥瘦相当,所以便和某某交换了衣服穿,还特意放了今早母亲才为我编上的辫子,换成某某的发型,我们10个小伙伴再戴上相同的面具,换装成功!游戏开始,要母亲猜面具后哪一个是 Once I played with my mother and my little friends on the “Bride” game. We have a total of 10 people, of which my height is consistent with that of a certain person, fat and thin, so I exchanged clothes and clothing for use in exchange with XX. I also deliberately put my mother’s nephew on this morning and changed it into a certain hairstyle. 10 small partners put on the same mask again, and the facelift is successful! At the beginning of the game, the mother must guess which one is after the mask.
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