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6月26日,济南,舜耕山庄。针对当下经济社会最热点的问题,2010年山东省社科年会专题论坛——转方式调结构研讨会日前在济南举行,省内外专家学者出席了论坛,并就山东转型,发表了各自的真知灼见。北京大学地方政府研究院院长彭真怀、中国社会科学院数量经济与技术经济研究所副所长齐建国,山东省社科院院长张华……本刊记者张韶天摘录了来自学界的激烈辩论,他们的观点印证了山东转型的路径——要攻坚克难,要坚定信心,要以时不我待、只争朝夕的精神,在加速转型这一战役中再造文化经济强省的新山东形象。 June 26, Jinan, shungeng Villa. In response to the hottest economic and social issues of the current year, the symposium on social sciences annual meeting in Shandong Province in 2010 was held in Jinan recently. Experts and scholars from both inside and outside the province attended the forum and delivered their own insights on the restructuring of Shandong Province . Peng Zhenhuai, dean of Peking University’s Institute of Local Government, Qi Jianguo, deputy director of the Institute of Quantitative and Technical Economics of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, and Zhang Hua, dean of the Academy of Social Sciences of Shandong Province ... Zhang Shaotian, a journalist, excerpted the heated debates from the academic community. Point of view confirms the path of Shandong’s transition - to overcome difficulties and confidence, we must rebuild a new image of Shandong with a strong culture and economy in the campaign of accelerating the transformation in a spirit of waiting not to be missed and seize the day ahead.
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