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艺术创作不能没有个性。但什么是艺术个性,什么是民族性和世界性,对个性与民族性、世界性之间的关系应当如何认识,刘能强的文章就此问题谈了自己的见解,并与希德先生商榷。他认为,那种“个性的即世界的”的说法 是一种极端膨胀的“个性”论是一种新的民族虚无主义。如果艺术创作和艺术发展真依了此论,艺术大有被拖入深渊的危险。胡贻孙在素描教学实践中深切感受到,这是西方造型与民族审美心理的交汇。他认为,中国传统造型观是中国文化与民族心理积淀的产物,它和我们民族的思维习惯、审美追求正相协调并植根于民众之中,传统的审美心理始终给我们以影响。当我们注重于三维的分析与对比时,常使我们一面学习西方造型,一面不忘更贴近本土文化与个人的情感,传统濡染使我们有丰厚的底蕴为后盾,因此西方造型和民族审美心理的交汇必不可避免。作者的颇有见地的思考值得人们关注。 本期“学人档案”介绍的古陶瓷研究学者叶喆民教授,走过了艰难的学术历程,“博学、审问、慎思、明辨、笃行”这十个字贯穿于他的严谨治学之中。 Art can not be without personality. But what is the artistic personality, what is the nationality and the world, how to understand the relationship between personality and nationality and the world, Liu Nengqiang’s article talked about his own views on this issue and discussed with Mr. Sid. He believes that the saying of “individuality is the world” is an extremely swollen “personality” theory that is a new national nihilism. If artistic creation and artistic development really depend on this, there is a great danger that art will be dragged into the abyss. Hu Yisun deeply felt in the practice of sketch teaching that this is the intersection of western style and national aesthetic psychology. He believes that the traditional Chinese outlook on modeling is the result of the accumulation of Chinese culture and national psychology. It is in harmony with the thinking habits and aesthetic pursuit of our nation and is rooted in the general public. The traditional aesthetic psychology always affects us. When we focus on the three-dimensional analysis and comparison, we often make us learn the Western style, while not forgetting more close to the local culture and personal emotions, the traditional Ru mo so that we have a wealth of background as the backing, so Western style and national aesthetic psychology Intersection will inevitably. The author’s insightful thinking deserves attention. Professor Ye Zhemin, an ancient ceramic research scholar introduced in this issue of Academic Personnel Archives, went through a difficult academic process. His ten words “erudite, interrogation, deliberation, discernment, and practice” permeated his rigorous scholarship .
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毕业于弗罗伦萨大学。 1965年,创建了自己的设计工作室。从事平面设计、建筑设计、产品设计和摄影工作。近年,在美国加州大学及芬兰的几所大学中担任平面设计的教授。 国际
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