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本刊讯为做好汛期渔业安全生产及防汛抗台工作,针对2015年汛期气候特点,农业部近日下发通知,要求各地渔业主管部门牢固树立科学发展、安全发展理念,进一步强化安全生产红线意识,克服麻痹松懈思想,做好台风、强降雨、洪涝等灾害的监测预警、应急救援和善后处置等各项工作,保障渔民群众生命财产安全,最大限度地减少台风等灾害损失,促进渔区社会和谐稳定。 In order to do a good job in fishery safety during flood season and flood control and anti-Taiwan work, according to the climate characteristics of flood season in 2015, Ministry of Agriculture recently issued a circular requiring all local fishery authorities to firmly establish the concept of scientific development and safety and further strengthen awareness of red line in production safety , Overcome the palliative thoughts, do various work such as monitoring and early warning of typhoons, heavy rains and floods, emergency rescue and aftermath disposal, ensure the safety of life and property of fishermen, minimize the losses of typhoons and other disasters, and promote the fishing community Harmonious and stable.
告别了平原的挽留,谢绝了小溪的邀请,一粒树种,踏上了通向悬崖的路,将自己定位在那个不适合生命生长的地方。 Bid farewell to the retention of the plains, declined the
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王昭君 ,西汉元帝宫人 ,南郡秭归 (今属湖北 )人。名嫱 ,字昭君 ,晋时避司马昭讳又改称明君或明妃。王昭君的故事 ,最早见于《汉书·匈奴传》 :“单于自言愿婿汉氏以自亲。元
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