Revisit of advection-dispersion equation model with velocity-dependent dispersion in capturing trace

来源 :水动力学研究与进展B辑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:tuwei0164
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An accurate quantification of the contaminant transport through fractured media is critical for dealing with water-quality related scientific and engineering issues, where the dispersion coefficient is an important and elusive parameter for the solute transport modeling. Many previous studies show that the dispersion coefficient ( )D in the standard advection-dispersion equation (ADE) model can be approximated by =λαD v (where α is the dispersivity), a formula to be revisited systematically in this study by laboratory experiments and model analysis. First, a series of tracer transport experiments in single empty fractures are conducted in cases of different hydraulic gradients. Second, the tracer breakthrough curves are determined by simulations based on the ADE model, to obtain the dispersion coefficients corresponding to various fracture roughnesses and flow velocities. A varying trend of λ is analyzed under different flow conditions. Results show that although the standard ADE model cannot be used to characterize the late-time tailing of the tracer BTCs, likely due to the solute retention, this simple model can simulate most of the solute mass dynamics moving through fractures and may therefore provide information for estimating the dispersion in parsimonious models appropriate for the non-Fickian transport. The following three conclusions are drawn: (1) the peak of the breakthrough curves comes earlier with increasing the roughness, according to the ADE simulation, (2) the value of λ generally decreases as the relative roughness of the fracture increases, (3) the value of λ is approximately equal to 2.0 when the dispersion is dominated by the molecular diffusion in the smooth fracture.
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