Effects of adenovirus-mediated human cyclooxygenase-2 antisense RNA on the growth of hepatocellular

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoulina1314
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AIM: To investigate the relation between the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and liver cancer, to construct the recombinant adenovirus encoding human COX-2 antisense RNA, and to explore its effects on liver cancer cell proliferation. METHODS: We studied the expression of COX-2 in 34 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and SMMC7402 and SMMC7721 by immunohistochemical technique. Recombinant adenovirus Ad-AShcox-2 was constructed and transfected into human HCC cell lines SMMC7402 and SMMC7721, and its effects on COX-2 expression, cell apoptosis and cell cycle were analyzed by flow cytometry. Cell proliferation was determined by colony-forming efficiency. RESULTS: We observed COX-2 expression in 82.4% of HCC and SMMC7402 cells, but no COX-2 expression in SMMC7721 cells. In addition, recombinant adenovirus encoding antisense COX-2 fragment Ad-AShcox-2 was obtained with the titer of 1.06×1012PFU/mL. Ad-AShcox-2 could reduce the expression of COX-2 and enhance the percentage of cells in G1/G0 phase in SMMC7402 cell line. The difference of apoptotic index between the Ad-AShcox-2 group and control group was statistically significant (tcontrol group=32.62 and tAd-Lacz = 10.93, P<0.001) in SMMC7402 but not in SMMC7721. Similarly, colony-forming rates of SMMC7402 and SMMC7721 cell lines, after the transfer of Ad-AShcox-2, were (2.7±0.94)% and (33.6±4.24)%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Reduction in the expression of COX-2 can inhibit COX-2 expressing HCC cells. To investigate the relation between the expression of cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and liver cancer, to construct the recombinant adenovirus encoding human COX-2 antisense RNA, and to explore its effects on liver cancer cell proliferation. METHODS: We studied The expression of COX-2 in 34 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and SMMC7402 and SMMC7721 by immunohistochemical technique. Recombinant adenovirus Ad-AShcox-2 was constructed and transfected into human HCC cell lines SMMC7402 and SMMC7721, and its effects on COX-2 expression: cell apoptosis and cell cycle were analyzed by flow cytometry. RESULTS: We observed COX-2 expression in 82.4% of HCC and SMMC7402 cells, but no COX-2 expression in SMMC7721 cells. Ad-AShcox-2 could reduce the expression of COX-2 and enhance the percentage of ce. In addition, recombinant adenovirus encoding antisense COX-2 fragment Ad-AShcox-2 was obtained with the titer of 1.06 × 1012 PFU / The difference of apoptotic index between the Ad-AShcox-2 group and control group was statistically significant (tcontrol group = 32.62 and tAd-Lacz = 10.93, P <0.001) in SMMC7402 but not in SMMC7721. Similarly, colony-forming rates of SMMC7402 and SMMC7721 cell lines, after the transfer of Ad-AShcox-2 were (2.7 ± 0.94)% and (33.6 ± 4.24)%, respectively. CONCLUSION: Reduction in the expression of COX-2 can inhibit COX-2 expressing HCC cells.
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