细菌性痢疾又叫做“红白痢”,是由痢疾杆菌引起的急性肠道传染病,常发生于夏秋两季,六岁以下幼儿发病率最高。小儿是怎样感染上痢疾杆菌的呢? 带有痢疾杆菌的带菌者和痢疾病人的大便里带有很多痢疾杆菌,它可通过苍蝇或被粪便污染的水传播。生吃没有洗净和削皮的瓜果,或吃了苍蝇叮咬过的食物,都有可能将痢疾杆菌带入胃肠道里,病菌在肠道里繁殖产生大量毒素,使肠粘膜溃疡而发病。细菌性痢疾发病时有哪些表现?
Bacillary dysentery, also known as “red and white diarrhea,” is caused by Shigella dysenteriae of acute intestinal infectious diseases, often occurs in summer and autumn, the highest incidence of children under six years of age. How does a child become infected with Shigella? Shigella dysenteriae carriers and dysentery patients in the stool with a lot of dysentery bacilli, it can be transmitted through flies or fecal contamination of water. Health and peeled raw fruits are not eaten, or eat food bites, are likely to dysentery bacilli into the gastrointestinal tract, bacteria in the intestine to produce a large number of toxins, the incidence of intestinal mucosal ulceration. Bacillary dysentery when the onset of what performance?