A new approach for modeling of dark current characteris-tics of quantum wire infrared photodetectors

来源 :Optoelectronics Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:candyhaiyu
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In order to study the dark current characteristics in a quantum wire infrared photodetector(QRIP),the average number of electrons in quantum wires(QRs) must be got,which is mostly too complicated.In this paper we give a simple formula to calculate the average number of carriers in a quantum wire(QR) that can be easily evaluated by mathematical softwares,and then we use this formula to study dark current characteristics of a quantum wire infrared photodetector(QRIP). In order to study the dark current characteristics in a quantum wire infrared photodetector (QRIP), the average number of electrons in quantum wires (QRs) must be got, which is mostly too complicated. This paper we give a simple formula to calculate the average number of carriers in a quantum wire (QR) that can be easily evaluated by mathematical softwares, and then we use this formula to study dark current characteristics of a quantum wire infrared photodetector (QRIP).
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We investigate the parameters in the band-anticrossing (BAC) model for GaNP and InGaPN in this work. The parameters in the BAC model for GaNP and InGaNP are obt
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