
来源 :当代兵团 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mailnewsnow
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《兵团建设》更名为《当代兵团》的消息传开后,在广大读者中引起了强烈反响,他们纷纷致电、致信本刊,表达他们的喜悦与期盼之情。这其中,有普通职工、连队干部,有教师、军垦老战士……他们都有一份共同期待:希望《当代兵团》越办越好。 After the news about the “Corps of the Corps,” which was renamed “the Corps of the Corps,” has aroused strong repercussions among the readers. They all telephoned and wrote letters to express their delight and hope. Among these, there are ordinary workers, company cadres, teachers and veterans of the military Kenlao ... They all share a common expectation: I hope the “Corps of Contemporary China” will get better and better.
Eggs are made from the inside out.That’s how the hen gets everything into the shell.Inside a hen’s body,the yellow yolk(蛋黄) is made first. Eggs are made fr
纵观实事求是思想路线的形成和发展历程 ,可以发现 ,我们党对实事求是的认识 ,也是一个从实际出发 ,由感性到理性再回到实践中加以运用和接受检验的完整过程。调查研究是实事
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It may be better to live in the darkness than light a candle because candles may give out lead(铅) dusts. According to the American Lung Association,candles are
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