
来源 :冶金政工研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yinyi1010
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中国钢铁业自从经历了上世纪90年代初期那次从畸形暴热到猛然暴跌的突变后,似乎元气始终没有恢复。也是从那次之后,钢铁业似乎就进入一个怪圈:以长时期低迷为背景,一有“风吹草动”,钢价就会短期暴涨,以短期利益为主,钢厂“捞现钞”,流通商进行投机炒作。然后就进入新一轮低迷 Since the steel industry in China experienced a sudden change from deformity and fever to sudden plunge in the early 1990s, it seems that the vitality has never recovered. It is also after that time that the steel industry seems to have entered a vicious circle: the long-term downturn is the backdrop. Once there is a sign of trouble, the price of steel will rise sharply in the short run, mainly in the short-term interest. The mills’ fishing cash, Speculation speculation. Then entered a new round of downturn
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A logit-based discrete choice model is proposed to study the exit choice behaviour of evacuees in rooms with internal obstacles and multiple exits.Several facto
我想画个蓝蓝的太阳,送给大海。让小鱼在大海里欢快地游动,让大海变得更蓝。  我想画个冰激凌(bīng j īlìng)太阳,送给小朋友。让小朋友一看到太阳,就会觉得甜(tián)甜的。  我想画个大树太阳,送给小鸟。小鸟飞累了,就在大树太阳上休息(xiū xī)。  我想画个面包太阳,送给穷人。让世界上永远没有饥饿(jīè)。  我想画个铅笔太阳,上面有数不尽的铅笔。让我们永远不用买铅笔。  我想
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蓝蓝的天空,  静静的山村。  鸟儿飞呀飞,  飞到森林的怀抱。  小朋友跑呀跑,  跑到妈妈的怀抱。