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今年是欧洲反法西斯战争胜利四十周年,也是中国人民反抗日本帝国主义侵畧战争胜利四十周年。从一九三七年七月七日,日本侵畧军进攻北平(今北京)西南十五公里处芦沟桥(史称「芦沟桥事变」,亦称「七七事变」)开始,到一九四五年九月三日,日本向同盟国正式投降为止,这场战争,整整进行了八年。抗日战争是中国人民自一八四○年鸦片战争以来规模最大,并且取得了完全胜利的一次反抗帝国主义侵畧,争取民族独立自由解放的战争。中国人民在这场战争中作出了巨大的民族牺牲,也作出了不可磨灭的贡献。它成为结束一百多年来帝国主义侵畧中国的历史的关键一战。同时它也是世界反法西斯战争中一个重要组成部分,并对全世界一切殖民地和附属国争取独立和民族解放的斗争,具有深远的影响。全民族抗战八年抗战,是我国面临着日本帝国主义 This year marks the 40th anniversary of the victory of the European Anti-Fascist War and the fortieth anniversary of the Chinese people’s victory in the war against Japanese imperialism. From July 7, 1937, the Japanese invasion and defensive forces attacked the Lugou Bridge (known as the “Lugouqiao Incident”, also known as the “Seventy-Seven Incident”) at a distance of 15 kilometers to the southwest of Peiping (now Beijing) On September 3, 1945, Japan formally surrendered to the allies until the war took eight years. The War of Resistance Against Japan is the largest war the Chinese people have won since the Opium War in 1840 and has achieved complete victory in the war against imperialist invasion and for the liberation and independence of the nation. The Chinese people have made tremendous national sacrifices in this war and made indelible contributions. It has become a crucial battle to end the history of imperialist invasion of China for more than 100 years. At the same time, it is also an important part of the world’s anti-fascist war and has far-reaching repercussions on the struggle for independence and national liberation by all the colonies and dependent nations in the world. The war of resistance against Japanese aggression by the entire nation for eight years is a result of our country being confronted with Japanese imperialism
The prevalence of intercultural communication across the globe gives rise to the emergence of the notion of‘World Englishes’. In order to shape a mutual under
以Du Pont的4000名以上的有吸烟习惯者的血铅和尿铅含量的比较。平均尿铅值:非吸烟者27.1微克/升,吸香烟者28.6微克/升,吸斗烟和雪茄烟者29.0微克/升。平均血铅值:非吸烟者1