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这是位身高1.78米的回族汉子。虽然已近不惑之年,但往你跟前一站,仍有一股虎气生生的气势。这样的一个条汉子,整天干的却是“婆婆嘴,跑断腿”的差事,让人觉得有一种“弄拧了”的感觉。他就是银川市新城区宁华路街道办事处主管综合治理和司法工作的党工委副书记兼司法所所长杨军。杨军今年38岁,原来在新城区党委组织部工作,1998年,新城区党委和政府为了充实基层办事处的力量,把他下派到宁华路办事处。这一干就是三年多。去年8月我来该办事处帮忙,第一天就被他领到了贺兰山下的驻宁某部队。原来,他请来了法律专家和律师共二十余人,来部队进行普法宣传。会场布置好后,部队首长领着近千名官兵唱着歌整队入座。主讲人开讲后,我和杨军坐在会 This is a 1.78-meter-long Hui man. Although it is almost always puzzled, but to your previous stop, there is still a tiger’s momentum. Such a guy, all day long it is “mother-in-law, running leg ” errands, people think there is a “screwed ” feeling. He is Yang Jun, deputy secretary of the party committee and director of the judicial department in charge of comprehensive management and judicial work in Ninghua Road Subdistrict Office in Xincheng District, Yinchuan City. Yang Jun, 38, originally worked in the organizational department of the party committee of the New Urban District. In 1998, the party committee and government of the new city dispatched him to the office of Ninghua Road in order to enrich the power of grassroots offices. This is more than three years. In August last year, I came to help the office. On the first day, I was led by a certain army under Helan Mountain in Ningxia. It turned out that he invited a total of more than 20 legal experts and lawyers to the armed forces to carry out legal literacy. After the venue is well arranged, the head of the army led nearly a thousand officers and men to sing the whole team. After the lecturer speaks, I sit with Yang Jun
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