
来源 :吉林工业大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaohongjie0908
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当前人类对矿物原材料的需求与日俱增,世界各国都在努力开辟、扩大露天矿的建设。而以斗轮挖掘机-胶带运输机-排料机-铁路运输设备所构成的连续开采工艺系统是促进露天矿大力向前发展的最有利的物质技术条件。目前,德国拥有世界上最先进的露天连续开采技术与机械装备,将对世界露天矿业的发展具有深远的影响。 At present, mankind’s demand for mineral raw materials is increasing day by day. Countries around the world are working hard to open up and expand the construction of open-pit mines. The continuous mining process system consisting of bucket wheel excavators, belt conveyors, discharge machines and railway transportation equipment is the most favorable material and technological condition for the development of open-pit mines. At present, Germany has the most advanced open-pit continuous mining technology and machinery equipment in the world and will have a profound influence on the development of open-pit mining in the world.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
早上来园活动时,我发现几个孩子将积木撒了一地,于是就提醒道:“快把地上的积木捡起来,需要什么就取什么,不要都翻出来。”尽管我提醒了多次,可孩子们仍旧无动 When I came
听韩少功讲座,你会不时地被打开,你觉得自己瞬间得到了提醒,而又因着这些提醒,变得清醒,智慧,甚至,飞起来了。真是好啊。 Listen to the Han Shaogong lecture, you will be