
来源 :中国防痨 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:benn_zhao123
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江西省结核病防治所(院)全体职工,在社会主义生产大跃进的高潮鼓舞下,蓬勃地开展着结核病防治工作跃进的热潮。全体工作人员纷纷表示了态度和干劲,提出向全国各兄弟结核病防治所(院)和本市各医院挑战,其主要内容是: 一、坚决贯彻勤俭办卫生事业的方针比1957年行政费减少31%,平均降低收费标准12%,降低病人伙食标准30%。二、提高工作质量,消灭责任事故: 1.比1957年门诊工作量提高60%,X线团体检查提高50%,卡介苗接种提高60%并作好效果考核,扩大团体管理50%;与市外大型厂矿和疗养院建立业务联系。 2.出院率提高40%,好转率由87.9%提高到92%,病床使用率由93%提高到95%,病床周转率由4.79次提高到6次。 All employees of the Jiangxi Provincial Tuberculosis Prevention and Treatment Institute (court) encouraged the leap forward in the prevention and control of tuberculosis under the encouragement of the great leap forward in socialist production. All the staff members expressed their attitudes and enthusiasm and proposed to challenge the TB prevention and treatment institutes (hospitals) in the country and the hospitals in the city. The main contents are as follows: 1. Resolutely implementing the principle of diligently conducting health services is less than the reduction of administrative fees in 1957. 31 %, the average fee rate is reduced by 12%, and the patient diet standard is reduced by 30%. Second, improve the quality of work and eliminate liability accidents: 1. Compared with 1957, the outpatient workload increased by 60%, the X-ray group inspection increased by 50%, the BCG vaccination increased by 60%, and the effect assessment was made. The group management was expanded by 50%; Large factories, mines and nursing homes establish business contacts. 2. The hospital discharge rate increased by 40%, the improvement rate increased from 87.9% to 92%, the bed utilization rate increased from 93% to 95%, and the bed turnover rate increased from 4.79 to 6 times.
针对目前药农在药材种植中的四大误区,提出相应的对策建议。 In response to the current four major errors in the cultivation of medicinal herbs, put forward the corr