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江西省吉安县的地形,在960万平方公里的中国地图上,呈现出一个“人”字。自古以来,吉安人文鼎盛,素有文章节义之邦美誉。尤其是宋代后期,政治、经济、文化中心南移,涌现了欧阳修、胡诠、周必大、欧阳洵、文天祥、刘辰翁、邓光荐、赵文、刘诜、李昌祺等许多著名人物,他们不仅是文章大家,而且大节凛然。文天祥则是其中最突出的代表。文天祥生在南宋末年那个内忧外患的年代,他少年立志,追慕欧、胡,以“修身、齐家、平天下”为己任;入仕之初,忧国忧民,直言敢谏,不避权贵,虽屡遭贬黜,仍斗争不息;当元军进犯,国家危难之秋,他毅然毁家纾难,起兵保 The terrain of Ji’an County, Jiangxi Province, presents a “human character” on a map of 9.6 million square kilometers in China. Since ancient times, Ji’an humanities flourished, known as the article states of righteousness. Especially in the late Song Dynasty, the political, economic and cultural centers moved southward and many famous figures such as Ouyang Xiu, Hu Quan, Zhou Bida, Ouyang Xuan, Wen Tianxiang, Liu Chenweng, Deng Guangjian, Zhao Wen, Liu Xun and Li Changqi emerged not only Everyone is an article, and the festival awe-inspiring. Wen Tianxiang is one of the most prominent representatives. Wenxian Xiangsheng in the Southern Song Dynasty that internal and external problems, he determined, chasing Europe, Hu, “self-cultivation, Qi family, the world ” as its own duty; at the beginning of official career, worried about the people, dare to remonstrance, not Despite the derogatory relics, the struggle to exorcise your wealth is still ongoing. When the Yuan forces invaded and the country was in a crisis, he resolutely destroyed the land and raised up soldiers
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