
来源 :航空标准化(国家标准《普通螺纹》介绍与分析专辑) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hsmwdevil
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如前所述,在一段相当长的时间内在航空工业中普通螺纹和MJ螺纹将要并行使用。因此贯彻《普通螺纹》新国标、完成从旧螺纹公差制向ISO螺纹公差制过渡是我们面临的重要任务之一。按照国家标准总局的要求,该标准自一九八三年一月一日起在全国实施。由于新标准结构严谨,概念清晰,适用范围广,它的贯彻必将对提高我部各种产品的质量、整顿和解决镀前尺寸的控制各行其是的混乱局面发挥积极的作用。但必须看到,《普通螺纹》是一项涉及面很广的重要的基础标准,该标准在我部贯彻实施,必然会对产品设计、加工工艺、刀量具的设计制造、螺纹检验及生产管理等各个方面产生影响。为了做好贯彻工作,我们对贯彻中 As mentioned earlier, normal threads and MJ threads will be used in parallel in the aviation industry for a considerable period of time. Therefore, implementing the new national standard “ordinary thread” and completing the transition from the old thread tolerance system to the ISO thread tolerance system is one of the important tasks we face. In accordance with the requirements of the State Administration of Standards, the standard has been implemented nationwide since January 1, 1983. Since the new standard has a rigorous structure, a clear concept and a wide range of applications, its implementation will surely play an active role in improving the quality of various products of the Ministry of Industry and in rectifying and resolving the chaotic situation in which the control of pre-plating dimensions is made. However, we must realize that “ordinary thread” is an important basic standard covering a wide range of aspects. The implementation of this standard in our ministry will inevitably affect product design, processing technology, design and manufacture of knives and gauges, thread inspection and production management And other aspects of an impact. In order to do a good job in carrying out our work, we are implementing it
边防检查例,已经国务院一九六五年四月三十日命令公布施行。请遵照执行。 Frontier inspection cases have been promulgated by the State Council on April 30, 1965. Pl
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一九八○年九月十一日你省云政发[1980]163号请示报告收悉。国务院同意将楚雄彝族自治州禄丰县土官公社指挥营大队的琚家营村三个生产队划归昆明市安宁县管辖。 September