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目的为掌握新生入校时肺结核患病情况,检出PPD强阳性者,筛检结核病患者,从而早期规范治疗,减少结核病在大学生中的传播;动员PPD强阳性者预防性服药,降低学生结核病发病率。方法对入校新生进行免费实施结核菌素纯蛋白衍化物(PPD)实验,强阳性者进行胸透,疑似者进一步检查确诊。胸透无异常者进行预防性治疗。结果3届新生中,总强阳性率7.80%之间,肺结核患病率128/10万,低于2000年第4次全国结核病流调同年龄段患病率233/10万。结论为了控制肺结核在大学生中传播流行,必须从新生入校进行相关的专项检测,检出传染源及易感者,针对性的进行治疗预防及相关措施,控制结核病在校园内传播。 Objective To understand the prevalence of tuberculosis among newly admitted students, detect the patients with strong positive PPD and screen the patients with tuberculosis so as to standardize early treatment and reduce the spread of tuberculosis among college students. To mobilize the preventive medication with strong positive PPD and reduce the incidence of tuberculosis among students . Methods Free admission of tuberculin purified protein derivative (PPD) was performed on freshmen admitted to school. Patients with strong positive were examined by chest X-ray and the suspects were further examined. No abnormal chest through prophylactic treatment. Results Among the 3 freshmen, the total positive rate was 7.80%, the prevalence of tuberculosis was 128 / 100,000, which was lower than the prevalence of the third national TB epidemic in 2000 by 233 / 100,000. Conclusion In order to control the spread of tuberculosis among college students, special tests must be carried out from the freshmen to the school to detect the source of infection and the susceptible ones. Targeted treatment prevention and related measures should be taken to control the spread of tuberculosis on campus.
在新世纪第一缕阳光投来之际,适逢《甘肃教育》杂志创刊 20岁生日。抚今追昔,感喟不已;不揣浅陋,慨然命笔。 二十岁,风靡陇原,一时有口皆碑。清新典雅,丰富深邃,堪称高品味。汗水润,
一、今春函大中文系举行了一次以现代文学、外国文学为主的学术报告会,会上有付教授屈正平、讲师李晶及李亚白等同志作了有关报告。 First, in the spring of this year, t
The mirror neuron system consists of a set of brain areas capable of matching action observation with action execution. One core feature of the mirror neuron sy