
来源 :人民调解 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:huei59
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当前民间纠纷表现出许多新特点,原有的人民调解工作范围、组织形式、队伍素质等已经不能完全适应新形势的需要。扩大工作领域,完善组织网络,提高队伍素质,规范工作程序,增强法律效力,成为新时期人民调解工作改革与发展的重大课题。一、建立镇(街道)调委会是人民调解工作改革与发展的必然产物随着社会主义市场经济的发展,涉及多主体的民间纠纷,跨地区、跨单位的民间纠纷日益突出。为了及时化解这些纠纷,《人民调解工作若干规定》提出建立镇街道人民调解委员会,以调解那些村、居(社区)调解组织调解不了的民间纠纷,涉及两个以上村、居(社区)调解组织的民间纠纷等,制止群众性械斗和群体性上访,防止矛盾纠纷激化,维护社会稳定。这对推动新形势下人民调解工作的改革和发展,建 At present, many non-governmental disputes have shown many new features. The scope of the original people’s mediation work, the form of organization, and the quality of the people in the party can no longer completely meet the needs of the new situation. Expanding the field of work, perfecting the organizational network, improving the quality of the team, standardizing working procedures and enhancing the effectiveness of the law have become major topics for the reform and development of the people’s mediation work in the new period. I. Establishing the Town (Street) Commission is the Necessary Product of the Reform and Development of the People’s Mediation Work With the development of the socialist market economy and involving in civil disputes involving multiple subjects, inter-district and cross-unit civil disputes have become increasingly prominent. In order to promptly resolve these disputes, the “Regulations on People’s Mediation Work” put forward the proposal of establishing a people’s mediation committee at the town and town streets to mediate civil disputes that can not be mediated by the mediation organizations of villages and communities (“communities”) involving more than two village and community mediation organizations Civil disputes and so on, to stop mass fights and group petitions to prevent the intensification of conflicts and disputes, maintaining social stability. This will promote the reform, development and construction of the people’s mediation work in the new situation
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