1.综合性出版社:规模较大,资金较雄厚,出版门类比较齐全,是美国出版业的中坚力量,如麦格劳-希尔公司。2.专业出版社:主要出版各学科的专著。专业出版社中.既有门类众多的综合性大出版社,也有在某一领域颇负盛名的中小出版社。3.教科书出版社:这类出版社以出版中小学与大学教材著称,如朗文出版集团。 4.学术协会出版社:主要由各类学术协会团体主办,如美国化学会(ACS)出版社。 5.大学出版社:这类出版社以出版学术著作为己任,它有别于一般的商业出版社,其多数出版社年出书不足30种,但它
1. Comprehensive Press: larger, more abundant funds, publishing a complete range of categories, is the backbone of the publishing industry in the United States, such as the McGraw-Hill Company. 2. Professional Publishing House: The major publications of various monographs. Professional press in both a large number of comprehensive large publishing houses, but also in a field of prestigious small and medium publishing houses. 3. Textbook Press: This type of publishing house is famous for publishing primary and secondary school textbooks, such as Longman Publishing Group. 4. Academic Society Press: Mainly by various academic society organizations, such as the American Chemical Society (ACS) Press. 5. University Press: This type of publishing house to publish academic works as its own, it is different from the general commercial press, the majority of publishers published less than 30 kinds of books, but it