The Explicit Upstream FEM(EU-FEM)proposed in this paper not only possesses the advan-tages of saving memory and CPU time for FDM,but also fits boundary easily,arranges nodal points flexiblyand makes local grids fine down conveniently.The software package,which consists of EU-FEM models andpre/post-processing skills,has been widely used to estuary,near-shore,bay,lake and complex waters withmany islands and channels.In addition to flow field,this model can be used to calculate the distributionfields of pollutants,temperature,salinity,sediment,and oil spill,and can be used to case study of estuaryregulation projects.Some practical applications are presented and some problems discussed.
The Explicit Upstream FEM (EU-FEM) proposed in this paper not only possesses the advan-tages of saving memory and CPU time for FDM, but also fits boundary easily, arranges nodal points flexibly and makes local grids fine down down. The software package, which consists of EU-FEM models andpre / post-processing skills, has been widely used to estuary, near-shore, bay, lake and complex waters withmany islands and channels.In addition to flow field, this model can be used to calculate the distributionfields of pollutants, temperature, salinity, sediment, and oil spill, and can be used to case study of estuary regulation projects. Practical applications are presented and some problems discussed.