D2D Multicast Retransmission Algorithm in Mobile Cloud Based on SINR Constraint

来源 :中国通信 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mj3140
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In cellular network, users with same demand and in proximity to each other form the mobile cloud, in which the short-range D2 D technology is employed by users to improve the data dissemination efficiency. In view of the fact that the D2 D links with the poor channel conditions are likely to be the bottleneck of resource utilization improvement, aiming at the differentiation of link quality, this paper proposes a intra-cloud D2 D multicast retransmission algorithm based on SINR constraint to meet the minimum requirement of D2 D retransmission for Qo S. In the proposed algorithm, the model of system link cost is built, the number of multicast retransmission times is restricted and each link quality matrix is traversed to reasonably select the multicast transmitter as well as its routing, which further reduces the link cost consumption, and in turn improves the bandwidth efficiency. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is more efficient to improve the bandwidth utilization when the ratio between normal user and non-normal user is small in mobile cloud. In cellular network, users with same demand and in proximity to each other form the mobile cloud, in which the short-range D2 D technology is employed by users to improve the data dissemination efficiency. In view of the fact that the D2 D links with the poor channel conditions are likely to be the bottleneck of resource utilization improvement, aiming at the differentiation of link quality, this paper proposes a intra-cloud D2 D multicast retransmission algorithm based on SINR constraint to meet the minimum requirement of D2 D retransmission for Qo S. In the proposed algorithm, the model of system link cost is built, the number of multicast retransmission times is restricted and each link quality matrix is ​​traversed to reasonably select the multicast transmitter as well as its routing, which further reduces the link cost consumption , and in turn improves the bandwidth efficiency. Simulation results show that the proposed algorithm is more efficient to improve the bandwidth utilization when the ratio between normal user and non-normal user is small in mobile cloud.
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