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如何提高技术市场成交率?这是目前各地技术市场面临的共同问题。上海技术交易所作为全国首家国家级常设性技术市场,自1993年底开业一年多来,一直致力提高成交率。他们大胆实践,不断开拓创新,取得了明显的成效,1994年技术贸易额达到9.49亿元,占上海技术贸易总额的42.96%。他们的一些作法和经验可供参考和借鉴。 第一,关键是把握技术商品的质量,该所上市交易的技术商品大多来自国内外科研院所、高等院校和企业研究所经过中试的成熟技术成果,一经洽谈成交,便可投入生产。如去年推出的’黄原胶”、“自行车液压刹车系列”、“粘结钕铁硼磁体”、“自冷系统精密铜管生产技术”等项目,一上市就十分抢手。其会员单位中有31家是科技体制改革重点研究院所,还有一批全国重点大学和全国高校高科技集团,能源源不断地提供高质量的、成熟的、能迅速转化生产力的技术商品。 第二,充分利用现代化设施,提供配套服务。该所建立了全国联网的计算机信息系统,数据库内存有4200余条可供转让的技术商品信息。它通过电子告示牌和电子广播不断地向客户告示最新的技术需求信 How to improve the turnover rate of the technology market? This is the common problem facing the technology market around the world. As the first national-level permanent technology market in the country, Shanghai Technology Exchange Co., Ltd. has been committed to raising the transaction rate since it opened its business for more than a year since the end of 1993. They boldly practiced, kept pioneering and innovative, and achieved remarkable results. In 1994, the volume of technology trade reached 94.9 million yuan, accounting for 42.96% of the total volume of Shanghai’s technology trade. Some of their practices and experiences are for reference and reference. First, the key is to grasp the quality of technical goods. Most of the technical products listed and traded by the institute come from the mature technical achievements of pilot research institutes at home and abroad, institutions of higher learning and institutes of higher learning. Once the trade is negotiated, they can be put into production. Last year’s launch of ’xanthan gum’, ’bicycle hydraulic brake series’, ’Bonded NdFeB magnets’, ’self-cooling system of precision brass production technology’ and other projects, a listing is very sought-after its member units 31 are key research institutes of science and technology system reform, there are a number of national key universities and national high-tech university groups, energy sources continue to provide high-quality, mature, can quickly transform the productivity of technical goods.Second, make full use of modernization Facilities and provision of supporting services.The Institute has established a nationwide networked computer information system with more than 4,200 technical commodity information in its database that is available for transfer to keep customers up to date with the latest technology demand letter through electronic signage and electronic broadcasting
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