
来源 :河南水利与南水北调 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:kage
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水利科技一直是水利工作的薄弱环节,是当前水利建设与发展的短板。为促进水利更好地服务和保障经济社会发展,应大力实施“科技兴水”战略,加快水利科技发展步伐,以水利科技创新支撑和引领水利事业可持续发展。1水利科技现状驻马店市地处豫南,位于淮河干流北部,面积1.5万km2,总人口874万。西部为浅山丘陵,中东部为平原洼地,属淮河、长江两大流域,淮河主要干流汝河、小洪河东西横贯全境。气候属亚热带向暖温带过渡区,多年平均降水920 mm,降水集中在汛期特殊的地理环境造成驻马店历史上洪涝旱灾频繁交替出现。驻马店作为农业大市,历届党委、政府都高度重视水利事 Water conservancy technology has always been the weak link in water conservancy work and the short board of water conservancy construction and development. In order to promote water conservancy to better serve and ensure economic and social development, we should vigorously implement the strategy of “rejuvenating water through science and technology”, accelerate the pace of development of water conservancy science and technology, and support and lead the sustainable development of water conservancy projects with water conservancy science and technology. 1 Status of Water Science and Technology Zhumadian City is located in the south of Henan Province, located in the northern Huaihe River, an area of ​​15,000 km2, with a total population of 8.74 million. The western part is a shallow mountain and the central part of the plain is a plain depression. It belongs to the Huaihe River and the Yangtze River. The main stream of the Huaihe River is the Ru River and the Little Honghe River runs through the whole territory. The climate belongs to the transition zone of subtropical zone to warm temperate zone, with an average annual rainfall of 920 mm. The precipitation is concentrated in the special geographical environment during the flood season, causing frequent floods and droughts in Zhumadian’s history. Zhumadian as an agricultural market, the previous party committees and governments attach great importance to water conservancy
1市区封井基本情况安阳市地处豫北,降水时空分布不均,水资源缺乏。全市多年平均水资源总量为16.40亿m3,人均水资源占有量322 m3,仅为全国平均水平的14%。其中,地下水资源供水
目的 探讨引起产后出血的临床原因和相关因素及预防措施,减少产后出血率.方法 回顾性分析2007年4月至2009年5月在本院分娩且发生产后出血的62例患者的临床资料进行分析和总结