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完整系统地收集、管理科研档案,有助于促进和加强科研管理工作,有助于加强课题管理,也可为考评科研人员提供可靠依据。因此对科研档案的来源做一些分析和研究是必要的,这完全符合工程技术人员和科研档案管理人员的共同愿望,这也是提高一个部门整体科研水平的一个重要手段。 一、科技档案材料的来源 系统完整地收集科技档案是科技工作者的一项重要任务。一般情况下,科技档案材料来源是很明确的,即科技论文,有关科技论文的评价及科技论文获奖悄况的材料;第二,科技项目,包括课题报告,协议(任务)书、调研报告、方案设计、实验记录、研究总结、鉴定材料等比较完整的科技材料及科技项目的获奖情况等。这两类楼案材料虽然重要,但这只是科技成果档案,并不包括科研活动的全部。因此,科研档案材料的来源并不限于此两类。考虑到科研活动的特点,仅仅收集科研成果档案是不够的,科技档案应包括科技活动的整个历史过程,包括成功的科研活动和失败的科研活动,有时候,失败的科研活动更能给人以启迪。我们认为成功是经验,失改亦是经验,科研人员都付出了艰辛的劳动,因此,科技档案中不但要包括成果档案,也应包括非成果档案。为了把科技档案收集齐全,使科研档案既为科技人员服务,又达到管理的目的,这就要求档案人员处处? A complete and systematic collection and management of scientific research archives will help to promote and strengthen the management of scientific research and help to strengthen the task management and provide a reliable basis for the evaluation of scientific research personnel. Therefore, it is necessary to do some analysis and research on the source of scientific research archives, which fully accords with the common aspirations of engineering and technical personnel and scientific research archivists. It is also an important measure to improve the overall scientific research level of a department. First, the source of science and technology archives system Complete collection of scientific and technological archives is an important task of science and technology workers. Under normal circumstances, the source of scientific and technological archival materials is very clear, that is, scientific papers, the evaluation of scientific papers and scientific papers winning the quiet material; second, science and technology projects, including project reports, agreements (tasks) book, research reports, Program design, experimental records, research summary, identification of materials and other more complete scientific and technological materials and science and technology projects such as the award-winning situation. Although these two types of building materials are important, they are only archives of scientific and technological achievements and do not include all the scientific research activities. Therefore, the source of scientific research archives is not limited to these two categories. Taking into account the characteristics of scientific research activities, the mere collection of scientific research achievements is not enough. The scientific and technological archives should include the entire historical process of scientific and technological activities, including successful scientific research activities and failed scientific research activities. Sometimes, unsuccessful scientific research activities can give more people Inspiration. We think success is experience, failure is also experience, researchers have to pay hard work, therefore, the scientific and technological archives should include not only the result file but also the non-result file. In order to complete the collection of scientific and technological files, scientific research files both for scientific and technical personnel services, but also to achieve the purpose of management, which requires the file staff everywhere?
9月28日,黑龙江省档案科学研究所、苏州净化设备厂共同研制、开发的 CST-T1档案文献除尘工作台,顺利通过了由9名专家组成的鉴定委员会的产品鉴定。档案文献除尘工作台是国家