湖北省十堰市竹溪县实验中学 启动“安全文明月”

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3月31日课间操,竹溪县实验中学36个教学班按照应急疏散演练队形齐聚内操场,参加“安全教育日”暨“安全文明月”活动启动仪式,落实第19个“强化安全意识、提升安全素养”为主题的中小学生消防安全教育周活动主题,宣读《竹溪县实验中学安全文明月活动实施方案》,构建安全文明校园,学校要求全体师生从以下方面参与主题活动。抓好每日两次的应急疏散演练活动,做好每次量化考核工作,使演练常态化、正规化,解决演练中存在的问题,通过演练使每个学生进一步熟记疏散路线,在遇到紧急情况时能够安全、快速撤离。 March 31 classes, Zhuxi County Experimental Middle School 36 classes in accordance with emergency evacuation drills team gathered in the playground, to participate in the “Safety Education Day” and “Safety Civilization Month” activities to start the ceremony, the implementation of Article 19 “strengthen safety awareness, improve safety literacy” as the theme of primary and secondary school fire safety education week activities theme, read “Zhuxi County Experimental Middle School Safety Civilization Month implementation plan” to build a safe and civilized campus, the school requires all teachers and students Participate in thematic activities from the following aspects. Do a good job twice a day of emergency evacuation drills activities, do a good job of each quantitative assessment work, the exercise normalization, regularization, to solve the problems in the drill through practice to make each student further memorize the evacuation routes in the face of Can be safely and quickly evacuated in an emergency.