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今年小麦条锈病在全国大流行,对小麦生产构成较大威胁,但在各级政府部门的重视和支持下,植保技术部门加强技术指导,积极组织应急控制,基本控制住了小麦条锈病蔓延。据初步统计,今年全国挽回小麦损失超过16亿公斤,比大发生的1990年多挽回损失2亿多公斤。为进一步控制小麦条锈病流行为害,农业部要求各地植保部门要及早动手,切实做好 This year wheat stripe rust epidemic in the country poses a great threat to wheat production. However, with the attention and support of government departments at all levels, the technical department of plant protection strengthens the technical guidance and actively organizes emergency control, basically controlling the spread of wheat stripe rust. According to preliminary statistics, more than 1.6 billion kilograms of wheat has been returned to the entire country this year, more than 200 million kilograms have been recovered in the 1990s. In order to further control the wheat stripe rust epidemic, the Ministry of Agriculture demanded that the plant protection departments throughout the country should start their work early and effectively
这是一片充满神奇的土地。这是一片布满荆棘的土地。这是一片希望丛生的土地。在东经130°14’ ,北纬42°43’ ,祖国版图最东端的长白山麓 ,有一座海鸥翔集的美丽小城———珲春。她地
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从客观条件、声乐技能及视唱练耳技术三方面分析唱不准的原因,具体论述怎样解决“跑调”问题。 From the objective conditions, vocal skills and solfeggio techniques to
Objective:To probe into the intervening action of polysaccharides of Zhu Zi Shen(Rhizoma Panacis Majoris)(PZZS) on oxidative stress and hemodynamics in rats wit
To evaluate the relationship between neonatal oxygen supplementation (O2) and childhood cancer in the Collaborative Perinatal Project (CPP). Study design: The C