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My friend Vanessa and I just took a week-long vacation toRome.Vanessa told the public relations firm~1 she worksfor that she had“female problems~2”in order to get theweek off.We stayed with my German friend Volker,his Italianlandlord/flatmate~3 Aurelio and his Spanish roommate Xavier.As aNew Yorker,the thing that struck me the most about Rome was itsextravagance. My friend Vanessa and I just took a week-long vacation toRome.Vanessa told the public relations firm ~ 1 she worksfor that she had “female problems ~ 2 ” in order to get theweek off.We stayed with my German friend Volker, his Italianlandlord / flatmate ~ 3 Aurelio and his Spanish roommate Xavier.As aNew Yorker, the thing that struck me the most about Rome was itsextravagance.
December 26, 2004’s megaquake was not thefirst time, or even the second, that a majorgeological event in Indonesia has killed tensof thousands. From the 1815
It is said that the prototype of table tennis can be tracedback to the 12th century in England. It was a spin-off of“Royal Tennis,” a game played in a four-w
本文利用建构主义理论为指导,结合《机械制造技术》教学实际,试探再建构主义学习理论的指导,应用新的教学技术,形成全新的机械制造技术的教学模式。 Guided by the theory o
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