
来源 :小城镇建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greenman
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《村镇建设》编辑部: 我们是重庆市石柱县战斗在村镇建设第一线的基层人员。全县共20人,于1984年被石柱县建设委员会招聘为村镇建设助理员,又于1993年被县劳动局转为劳动合同制工人,工资来源属自收自支。 十几年来,我们战斗在第一线,为全县的村镇建设工作做出了显著的成绩。我们遵循“全面规划、正确引导、依靠群众、自力更生、因地制宜、逐步建设”的方针,展开了全县山、水、田、林、路的村镇规划编制工作。在上级业务部门和各乡(镇)党委、政府的大力支持下,于1984年,历时一年多时间,我们的规划队伍踏遍了全县 “Village and Town Construction” Editorial Department: We are the grass-roots personnel fighting the first line of construction in Shizhu County, Chongqing Municipality. The county a total of 20 people, in 1984 by the Shizhu County Construction Committee hired as a village construction assistant, and in 1993 by the County Bureau of labor into labor contract workers, wages are self-supporting sources of income. Over the past decade or so, we have fought a first-rate battle and have made remarkable achievements in the construction of villages and towns throughout the county. We followed the guideline of “comprehensive planning, correct guidance, relying on the masses, relying on our own efforts, adapting ourselves to local conditions, and gradually building up” to launch the town planning of the mountains, water, fields, forests and roads in the county. With the strong support of the superior business units and township (town) party committees and governments, in 1984, over a year’s time, our planning team traveled all over the county
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