人类脑计划(HBP)自诞生至今饱受争议。如今,HBP将采纳各方意见进行一系列的改革。面临巨变,HBP能否走出困境?去年夏天,两名神经科学家发起了一场“暴动”。他们的目标直指2013年欧盟斥资10亿欧元的欧洲人类脑计划(HBP)。瑞士日内瓦大学计算神经科学家Alexandre Pouget并没有参与该项目,而葡萄牙里斯本Champalimaud未知问题研究中心的Zachary Mainen冒着失去资金的高风险成为了其中一名参与者。
The Human Brain Project (HBP) has been controversial since its birth. Today, HBP will adopt a wide range of reforms based on the opinions of all parties. Faced with tremendous change, can HBP emerge from the dilemma? Last summer, two neuroscientists launched a “riot”. Their goal is direct to the European Union’s 1 billion Euros Human Brain Project (HBP) in 2013. Alexandre Pouget, a computational neuroscientist at the University of Geneva in Switzerland, did not participate in the project, and Zachary Mainen of the Champalimaud Institute of Unknown Studies in Lisbon, Portugal, became one of the participants at the high risk of losing money.