Adiponectin serum level in chronic hepatitis C infection and therapeutic profile

来源 :World Journal of Hepatology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:psetpsetc
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Hepatic steatosis is commonly seen in the patients with chronic hepatitis C virus(HCV) infection. HCV is closely associated with lipid metabolism,and viral steatosis is more common in genotype 3 infection owing to a direct cytopathic effect of HCV core protein. In non-genotype3 infection,hepatic steatosis is considered largely to be the result of the alterations in host metabolism; metabolic steatosis is primarily linked with HCV genotype 1. A d i p o s e t i s s u e s e c r e t e s d i f f e r e n t h o r m o n e s involved in glucose and lipid metabolisms. It has been demonstrated that adipocytokines are involved in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease,as the decreased plasma adiponectin levels,a soluble matrix protein expressed by adipoctyes and hepatocyte,are associated with liver steatosis. Various studies have shown that steatosis is strongly correlated negatively with adiponectin in the patients with HCV infection. The role of adiponectin in hepatitis C virus induced steatosis is still not completely understood,but the relationship between adiponectin low levels and liver steatosis is probably due to the ability of adiponectin to protect hepatocytes from triglyceride accumulation by increasing β-oxidation of free fatty acid and thus decreasing de novo free fatty acid production. Hepatic steatosis is commonly seen in the patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. HCV is closely associated with lipid metabolism, and viral steatosis is more common in genotype 3 infection due to a direct cytopathic effect of HCV core protein. In non- genotype 3 infection, hepatic steatosis was considered to be the result of the alterations in host metabolism; metabolic steatosis is related to linked with HCV genotype 1. A diposetissuesecretesd ifferent hormones involved in glucose and lipid metabolisms. It has been demonstrated that adipocytokines are involved in the pathogenesis of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, as the decreased plasma adiponectin levels, a soluble matrix protein expressed by adipoctyes and hepatocyte, are associated with liver steatosis. Various studies have shown that steatosis is strongly correlated negatively with adiponectin in the patients with HCV infection. The role of adiponectin in hepatitis C virus in duced steatosis is still not entirely understood, but the relationship between adiponectin low levels and liver steatosis is probably due to the ability of adiponectin to protect hepatocytes from triglyceride accumulation by increasing β-oxidation of free fatty acid and thus decreasing de novo free fatty acid production .
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