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根据机械部机床局的指示安排,组合机床行业归口所——大连组合机床研究所于1983年11月2日~10日在大连召开了组合机床行业规划座谈会。会议的主要内容是讨论制定本行业的规划。这是一次组合机床行业的盛会。出席会议的有:大连组合机床研究所、北京第三机床厂、保定第二机床厂、大连机床厂、大连第二机床厂、吉林组合机床厂、鸡西机床厂、沈阳第三机床厂、长沙机床厂、机械部第六设计院、豫西机床厂、安阳机床厂、湖北机床厂、武汉第五机床厂、光化组合机床厂、瑞金机床厂、上海第十机床厂、常州机床厂、滁州机床厂、汉川机床厂、长城机床厂、大河机床厂、重庆第三机床厂等23个科研、设计和生产单位主管 According to the instructions given by the Machinery Department Machine Tool Bureau, a combination of machine tool industry by the mouth - Dalian Institute of Machine Tool held in November 2, 1983 to 10 in Dalian held a combination of machine tool industry forum. The main content of the meeting is to discuss the formulation of the industry’s planning. This is a grand gathering of the machine tool industry. Attending the meeting were Dalian Combinational Machine Tool Research Institute, Beijing No.3 Machine Tool Plant, Baoding No.2 Machine Tool Plant, Dalian Machine Tool Plant, Dalian No.2 Machine Tool Plant, Jilin Combination Machine Tool Plant, Jixi Machine Tool Plant, Shenyang No.3 Machine Tool Plant, Changsha Machine Tool Sixth Design Institute of the Ministry of Machinery, Machinery Plant in West Henan Province, Anyang Machine Tool Plant, Machine Tool Plant in Hubei Province, Wuhan No.5 Machine Tool Plant, Photochemical Compound Machine Tool Plant, Ruijin Machine Tool Plant, Shanghai No.10 Machine Tool Plant, Changzhou Machine Tool Plant, Chuzhou Machine Tool Plant, Hanchuan Machine Tool Plant, Great Wall Machine Tool Plant, Dahe Machine Tool Plant, Chongqing Machine Tool Plant, and other third-third 23 scientific research, design and production unit in charge
本文比较了十一种摇臂钻工作台的结构,并用空间组合结构的有限单元法,计算了它们的刚度,从中选择出重量最轻而刚度与原产品结构相同的工作台结构。 This article compares t
党的建设必须紧紧围绕党领导的伟大事业进行,紧密结合本地区本部门的工作任务和实际推进,这是机关党的建设全部工作的出发点和落脚点。落实中央战略部署,確保长江经济带建设有序推进,机关党建任务艰巨,必须以高度的历史使命感和政治责任感抓好落实。  以创新强动力,着力构建从严治党新常态  当前,机关党建工作服务保障全面深化改革和长江经济带发展任重道远,我们要坚持思想建党、制度治党,坚持问题导向、改革要求,坚持
二加二等于五。这是化学家的新算学,名为新累积Syn(?)rgy。换一种说法,就是全部大于各部分之和。在美国化学会开会时马加路梭Macaluso 博士曾就这个新名词加以解释。举例来
对近 2 0a来胶园生态系统调控技术及系统分析与评价研究进行综述 ,并对该领域的研究方向作展望 Review of the researches on the regulation and evaluation of rubber pla