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乳腺肿瘤为妇女的常见肿瘤之一,而乳腺叶状囊肉瘤少见.现将我科28年(1956~1984)间外科活检资料中的9例作一分析,以探讨乳腺叶状囊肉瘤的临床病理特点.材料和方法查阅了我科1956~1984年间全部乳腺肿瘤的活检资料,共收集9例乳腺叶状囊肉瘤.标本常规用10%福尔马林液固定,石蜡包埋切片,H.E.染色,个别病例用P.A.S染色.显微镜检查,将导管上皮细胞分成为萎缩、正常、增生和恶性变等四级.根据增生的程度,将间质区分为轻度增生、中度增生和重度增生三级.另外,病理核分裂的数目,以增生最活跃的区域 Breast cancer is one of the common tumors in women, and phyllodes cystosarcoma of the breast is rare. Now we analyze 9 cases of surgical biopsy data in our department from the year of 1956 to 1984 to investigate the clinical effect of phyllodes cystosarcoma of the breast. Pathological features. Materials and methods Biopsy data of all breast tumors in our department from 1956 to 1984 were reviewed. A total of 9 cases of breast cystosarcoma were collected. Specimens were routinely fixed with 10% formalin, embedded in paraffin, and stained with HE. Individual cases were stained with PAS. Microscopic examination showed that the catheter epithelial cells were divided into four grades: atrophy, normal, hyperplasia, and malignancy. According to the degree of hyperplasia, the stroma was divided into three grades: mild hyperplasia, moderate hyperplasia, and severe hyperplasia. In addition, the number of pathological mitoses is the most active area of ​​hyperplasia
骨外软骨瘤(Extraskeletal Chondroma)很少见,国内文献未见报道,我科在活检工作中遇到一例,现报告如下: 王某某,男性,19岁,战士,活检号:S:19271。患者自幼发现左颈部有一花生
上颌窦恶性肿瘤为耳鼻喉科常见肿瘤,在各种鼻窦恶性肿瘤中约占80%以上,占耳鼻咽喉恶性肿瘤的20%,但上颌窦恶性肿瘤初起时 因被窦壁包围,常多无症状,因此容易被贻误.我科自19
露出有春天气息的肌肤,衣服的样式是很重要的。今年春天,短裙大肆横行,研究奇妙的小腿平衡感,给你裙和腿的最佳搭配术,能让你的腿部线条更修长,现在马上来挑战一下吧! Expos
盛夏时节,又到了穿短裙和短裤的时节,想穿上它们却担心腿粗粗的?就跟着小编一起来进行美腿大作战吧! Midsummer season, went to wear short skirts and shorts of the seas