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我们学习了朝阳农学院以生产科研带动教学的教育革命经验,与工人、工农兵教师及原有教师相结合,在大搞水稻害虫的综合防治过程中,试验了二化螟性引诱剂在防治上的应用,并获得了初步效果。 利用二化螟活雌蛾诱虫笼诱蛾 1975年4月22日至5月14日,在第一代二化螟发蛾期间,在草籽田及草籽留种田内共设置9个雌蛾诱虫笼(分1、3、5头三种),两虫笼之间距离为30米,共诱到二化螟雄蛾3,937头。其中有一重点虫笼(每天换1头新羽化的雌蛾),共诱雄蛾1,150头。每晚每雌蛾最多可诱雄蛾207头,平均可诱雄蛾57.5头,一般每个虫笼只放1 We learned from Chaoyang Agricultural College to produce scientific research driven education revolution experience, and workers, workers and peasants and teachers and the original teacher combined, in the comprehensive prevention and control of rice pests in the process of the test of the rice borer sex attractant in the prevention and treatment On the application, and obtained the initial effect. Use of stem borer live female moths to attract caterpillars moths April 22, 1975 to May 14, during the first generation of stem borer moths, in the grass field and grass seeds to stay in a total of nine females Moth cocoon cages (three sub-1,3,5), the distance between the two cages 30 meters, a total of 3,937 were induced seasons Chlamydia. One of the major insect cages (a day for a new eclosion female moths), a total of 1,150 male lure moths. A maximum of 207 male moths can be induced per night for each female moth, and an average of 57.5 male moths can be induced. Generally only 1
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目的 :探讨山羊房室结组织的年龄变化规律。方法 :光镜、电镜观察和图像分析。结果 :老年羊房室结内一般心肌细胞增加 60 % ,细胞间质增多 3 0 % ,胶原纤维增多 2 0 % ,出现
锈壁虱(又名锈蜘蛛),是潮汕地区为害柑桔最严重的害虫之一,受害叶色焦褐果皮变黑,严重的会引起落叶、落果,影响当年甚至两年内的产量和品质。 为害时期:根据观察,每年4月上
米芾 (fú) 字元章,山西太原人。他虽然是北宋著名的书画家,却因为爱石到了颠狂的地步,被人们称之为“米颠”。  米芾与苏轼是好朋友,有一次苏轼请客,酒过三巡,米芾忽然站起来,委屈地对主人说:“世人都称我‘米颠’,今天倒要请东坡先生说句公平话,我究竟颠也不颠?”谁知苏轼笑嘻嘻地答道:“吾从众。”登时满座笑声一片。原来,这三个字出自《论语·子罕》,是孔老夫子的原话。苏轼含蓄地暗示米芾:你看,连孔老夫
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