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在一个清冷的夜里,走到附近熟悉的音像店里,在角落里看到一张巨幅海报。我指了指那张海报,音像店老板告诉我,他是尼古拉斯·凯奇,并推荐了几张碟片,《夜色撩人》《离开拉斯维加斯》《天气预报员》《天使之城》。因为熟识,老板知晓我的喜好——迷恋一切不知所云,似乎又言之众众的艺术片。这一年,我二十岁。看过年过四十尼古拉斯·凯奇的专访,他说,一个真正得道的演员无所谓幸福,因为他一直处于easy的状态。表演于他像呼吸吃饭一样自然而然,腾挪自如。一个简简单单的句子,能读出他内心的平和,少了很多大多数影人的虚荣与躁动,是一个沉溺在自我的精神世界里的干净单纯的人。二十一岁的时候,我在日记里道:我喜欢意大利的原因,一半是因为那里很美,一半是因为那里是尼古拉斯·凯奇的故乡。我想去加利福尼亚州的长滩的理由的百分之一是因为那有我和他都爱的阳光、沙滩、椰林,而剩下的百分之九十九是因为那里是他出生的地方。我知道他喜欢漫画,所以亲自去研究它,并尝试着喜欢它。我知道他喜欢陀思妥耶夫斯基的《卡拉马佐夫兄弟》,所以去仔细拜读它。我喜欢他说的“没有任何一部电影能够取悦所有人”。我喜欢他为了《坏中尉》而留的胡子。我喜欢他忧郁的蓝眼睛。喜欢他紧缩眉毛的样子。喜欢他好多好多好多好多,多到全宇宙都装不下。 In a cold night, walked to a nearby familiar audio-visual shop, in the corner to see a huge poster. I pointed to the poster, the audiovisual store owner told me that he was Nicolas Cage and recommended a few discs, “Night Out”, “Leave Las Vegas,” “Weather Watchman,” “Angel city”. Because of familiarity, the boss knows my preferences - obsessed with all unknown, it seems that the public and all the public. This year, I am twenty years old. After watching New Year’s Eve Nicholas Cage’s interview, he said, a truly empathetic actor is indifferent to happiness because he has always been in the easy state. His performance as natural as his breath to eat, move freely. A simple sentence can read his inner peace, less the vanity and restlessness of most filmmakers, a clean and simple person who indulges himself in his spiritual world. At the age of twenty-one, I wrote in my diary: I like the reason for Italy, partly because it is beautiful and partly because it is the hometown of Nicolas Cage. One percent of the reasons I want to go to Long Beach, California, are because of the sun, the beach, the coconut groves I love with him, and the remaining 99% because of where he was born. I know he likes comics, so go research it yourself and try to like it. I know he likes the “Karamazov Brothers” of Dostoevsky, so read it carefully. I like what he says. “No movie can please everyone.” I like his beard for “Bad Lieutenant”. I like his dark blue eyes. Like his eyebrows tighten the look. Like a lot, much, much, much, much to the whole universe.
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