地雷作为一种战术性防御武器,在抗日战争中曾给侵华日军以极大的杀伤。特别是在华北敌后战场上,遍地开花的“土地雷”,使日军闻风丧胆,这早已为人们所熟知。但在正面战场上,两名日本将军踩响地雷、被炸毙命的史实,却是鲜为人知的。这两名日本将军,一名是侵华日军第15师团师团长酒井直次中将,另一名是第69师团第59旅团旅团长木村千代太少将。前者是在浙赣会战,后者是在灵宝作战中,分别被中国军队埋设的地雷炸死的。 1942年4月18日,美军为对日军偷袭珍珠港进行报复,派遣16架B—25远程轰炸机,从太平洋上的航空母舰“大黄蜂”号上起飞,轰炸日本东京、大阪、横滨、名古屋等城市后,其中5架没有返回航空母舰,降落在中国浙江衢州等机场。为此,日军大本营决定,调遣侵华日军第13、第11军8个师团,约14万人,于同年5~8月,发动以摧毁供美军使用的机场和打通浙赣线为目标的浙赣会战。酒井直次的第15师团隶属第13军,也参加了这次会战。
As a tactical defense weapon, land-mines gave great devastation to the Japanese invaders during the war against Japan. Especially in the battlefields behind enemy lines in North China, the “land thunder” blooming all over the place made the Japanese military tremble with courage. This has long been known to all. However, on the frontal battlefield, it is little known that the two Japanese generals stepped on mines and were killed in explosions. The two Japanese generals, one is the captain of the 15th Division of the Japanese invasion of Japan, Lieutenant General Sakai, the other is the 69th Division 59th Brigade Brigadier General Kimura Chiyo too few. The former was in the battle of Zhejiang, Jiangxi and the latter was killed by the mines planted by the Chinese army in the battle of Lingbao. On April 18, 1942, the U.S. military took revenge on the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. It dispatched 16 B-25 long-range bombers to take off from the aircraft carrier “Hornet” on the Pacific Ocean and bombed Japan’s cities such as Tokyo, Osaka, Yokohama and Nagoya After that, five of them did not return to the aircraft carrier and landed at the airport of China’s Zhejiang Quzhou. To this end, the Japanese base camp decided to deploy the Japanese invasion of the 13th and 11th Army 8 divisions, about 140000 people, in the same year from May to August, launched in order to destroy the airport for the U.S. military and get through Zhejiang-Jiangxi line as the goal Zhejiang and Jiangxi battle. Sakai successive 15th Division under the 13th Army, also participated in the battle.