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话题背景陈江,上海市明鸿律师事务所的律师,2006年2月17日,他一纸诉状将全国牙病防治指导组(下简称全国牙防组)等4被告起诉至上海市闵行区法院,要求超市停止销售乐天木糖醇口香糖、赔偿17.6元等,理由是:全国牙防组对乐天木糖醇口香糖作出的认证涉嫌欺诈消费者、误导宣传。6月,新华网一篇质疑牙防组认证的文章引起李刚博士的调查。该文章对牙防组等牙膏认证的单位进行披露:其中“两张桌子、两部电话、两台电脑和两个办公人员就构成了这个在牙膏认证中鼎鼎大名的全国牙防组”及“认证费最高达到几十万”等细节令人瞠目。该文在网络上被转载为“惊!!!全国牙防组——两个人两张桌忽悠了十三亿人”。 Topic Background Chen Jiang, lawyer of Shanghai Minghong Law Firm, on February 17, 2006, he sued a group of 4 defendants, including the National Dental Prevention and Control Group (hereinafter referred to as the National Dental Prevention Team), on a paper complaint to Shanghai Minhang District Court, requiring the supermarket to stop sales Lotte xylitol chewing gum, compensation 17.6 yuan, on the grounds that: National Dental Prevention Group Lotte xylitol chewing gum made on the certification fraud consumer misleading. In June, a Xinhua article that challenged the certification of the dental defense group caused a survey by Dr. Li Gang. The article disclosed to Dental Unit and other toothpaste certified units: “Two tables, two telephones, two computers and two office workers formed the national dental defense unit with a strong reputation in toothpaste certification” And “certification fees up to hundreds of thousands ” and other details eye-opener. The article was reprinted on the Internet as “scared !!! National Dental Defense Team - two people flirting with 1.3 billion people.”
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