The Lion’s Share

来源 :BEIJING REVIEW | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:renj19861123
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  The news of China's meteoric increase in trade surplus for thefirst two months of 2007 took even Chinese trade officials bysurprise. Traditionally tile country's trade surplus only peaks inthe second half of the year, along with the rising demand of theinternational market.
On entering a Columbia shop in Beijing to purchase a wind jacket forherself, Xiao Wanzi found thatalmost half the products in the shopwere made in China.
On March 24, the UN SecurityCouncil unanimously adopted anew resolution imposing toughersanctions against Iron to suspend itsuranium enrichment activities.
Cai Fang: A demographic dividend is arise in the rate of economic growth as aresult of a growing percentage of working-age people in tile wider population.
Zhang Yimou, one of China’s mostsuccessful filmmakers, said he willnot shoot any new films for twoyears in order to prepare for the2008 Beijing Olympics, for whichhe is the chief director of the openi
Closely watching the family’s spending and living in fear of anotherinterest rate rise have become realities for many Chinese city dwellerswho have taken out mortgages thatstretch their finances to th
X  Advancing the cause of women’s rights and legal justice, GuoJianmei regards herself as a lonelyidealist, but one who remains opti-mistic nonetheless.
On March 18, William R. Rhodes,Senior Vice Chairman of Citibank,was present in Beijing yet again.Rhodes is so familiar with Chinathat he can hardly remember howmany times he has visited and how long h
When referring to China's underdevel-opment at the current primary stage ofsocialism, Premier Wen Jiabao does notrestrict the topic to such familiar economicissues as China's low per-capita grossdomes
Better late than never. About 150years after establishing a Shanghaibranch in 1858, the British lenderStandard Chartered is finally incor-porated locally in China.
The Palestinian Legislative Councilapproved the agrecment reached bythe Palestinlans' two major politicalfactions, Hamas and Fatah, on form-ing a national unlW govemment onMarch 17. The unity governme