
来源 :江西林业科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:raymond20082002
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(2007年2月1日)同志们:这次会议的主要任务是:传达贯彻全国林业厅局长会议精神,认真总结过去一年来的林业工作,表彰先进,交流经验,研究部署2007年全省林业工作。省委、省政府对这次会议非常重视,省委常委、省委秘书长陈达恒,省政府副省长熊盛文,省政府副秘书长赵泽华亲临会议,并为先进单位和先进个人颁了奖,充分体现了省委、省政府对林业工作的关心厚爱。昨天,我们用了一天的时间进行大会典型发言,有20多个市县林业局长从不同的侧面介绍了各自的亮点工作,效果非常好。刚才,会议表彰了2006年度全省林业工作目标考核先进单位、2006年度全省冬季造林整地优胜单位、全省“林产知名品牌”以及省林业厅先进个人。在此,我谨代表省林业厅向获奖的先进单位和先进个人表示热烈的祝贺! (February 1, 2007) Comrades: The main tasks of this conference are to convey and implement the spirit of the meeting of the director of the State Forestry Administration, earnestly summarize the forestry work in the past year, honor advanced and exchange experiences, and study and deploy the forestry in the whole province in 2007 jobs. Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government attach great importance to this meeting. Chen Daheng, member of Provincial Party Committee and provincial party committee secretary-general, Xiong Shengwen, vice governor of provincial government, and Zhao Zehua, deputy secretary general of provincial government attended the meeting and awarded prizes for advanced units and advanced individuals. Embodies the provincial party committee and provincial government’s love and concern for forestry work. Yesterday, we took a day to make a typical speech to the General Assembly. More than 20 city and county forestry directors introduced their respective bright spots from different aspects and the results were very good. Just now, the conference honored the 2006 advanced unit for forestry work target assessment in the whole province. In 2006, the province won the winners of winter afforestation and site preparation, the famous brand of forest products in the province and the advanced individual of the Provincial Forestry Department. Here, on behalf of the Provincial Forestry Department, I would like to extend my warm congratulation to the award-winning advanced units and individuals!