Performance of water supply and sanitation services institutions in a growing town:A case of Chinsal

来源 :宝鸡文理学院学报(自然科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Dutch_deamer
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Purposes- To assess institutional arrangements for water supply and sanitation (WSS) services inChinsali Urban; to identify the institutional arrangements for water supply and sanitation services in Chinsali Urban;to assess how the institutional arrangements affect water supply and sanitation services in Chinsali Urban and toassess the challenges and opportunities of service delivery for (WSS) in Chinsali Urban. Methods- A mixed methodof qualitative and quantitative was used to collect data in the field. Households were proportionally sampled, whilepurposive sampling was used for key informants and probability sampling was used for communities with waterKiosks. Questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, field observations and documents reviewwere conducted. Quantitative data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20 andMicrosoft Excel, while qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. Results- Four institutions for (WSS)were identified in Chinsali Urban which are the Community Based Organisations (CBOs), Chambeshi Water andSewerage Company (Ch WSC), Chinsali Municipal Council (CMC) and the Ministry of Local Government andHousing (MLGH). Water supply was erratic and insufficient in both households and communities that use waterKiosks. Both households and peri-urban communities were able to afford water supply expenses, but only ten percentof the households are connected to sewerage reticulation system of the Commercial Utility (CU). Challenges thatCh WSC faces are dilapidated infrastructure, power outages and administrative bureaucracy due to provincial delink.Chinsali Urban has high opportunities for the sector as there is a new project funded by the MLGH aimed towards theincrease and improvement of (WSS) services. Conclusion- The study showed that Chinsali Urban has the necessaryinstitutional arrangements for supply of water and sanitation services like other urban areas in Zambia. Theinstitutional change of Chinsali Urban has really affected the delivery of water supply and sanitation services havebecome more erratic and insufficient due to population increase. The major challenges to WSS services in ChinsaliUrban are dilapidated infrastructure, power outages and bureaucracy in the operations. Chinsali Urban has goodopportunities to increase and improve WSS services due to the current project for WSS services funded by the MLGH. Purposes- To assess institutional arrangements for water supply and sanitation (WSS) services in Chinsali Urban; to identify the institutional arrangements for water supply and sanitation services in Chinsali Urban; to assess how the institutional arrangements affect water supply and sanitation services in Chinsali Urban and toassess the challenges and opportunities of service delivery for (WSS) in Chinsali Urban. Methods- A mixed methodof qualitative and quantitative was used to collect data in the field. Households were proportionally sampled, whilepurposive sampling was used for key informants and probability sampling was used for communities with waterKiosks. Questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, focus group discussions, field observations and documents reviewwere conducted. Quantitative data was analyzed using the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20 and Microsoft Excel, while qualitative data were analyzed using content analysis. - Four institutions for (WS S) were identified in Chinsali Urban which are the Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Chambeshi Water and Sewerage Company (Ch WSC), Chinsali Municipal Council (CMC) and the Ministry of Local Government and Housing (MLGH). Water supply was erratic and insufficient in both households and communities that use waterKiosks. Both households and peri-urban communities were able to afford water supply expenses, but only ten percentof the households are connected to sewerage reticulation system of the Commercial Utility (CU). Challenges thatCh WSC faces are dilapidated infrastructure , power outages and administrative bureaucracy due to provincial delink.Chinsali Urban has high opportunities for the sector as there is a new project funded by the MLGH aimed towards theincrease and improvement of (WSS) services. Conclusion- The study showed that Chinsali Urban has the necessaryinstitutional arrangements for supply of water and sanitation services like other urban areas in Zambia. Theinstitutionalchange of Chinsali Urban has really affected the delivery of water supply and sanitation services havebecome more erratic and insufficient due to population increase. The major challenges to WSS services in ChinsaliUrban are dilapidated infrastructure, power outages and bureaucracy in the operations. Chinsali Urban has goodopportunities to increase and improve WSS services due to the current project for WSS services funded by the MLGH.
开设专业:生物技术与检测、食品工艺与检测、动物医学、护理学、医用电子仪器、医用放射线设备、药剂设备、临床工程技术 Open professional: biotechnology and testing,