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科学原始创新是科学基础理论中的元创性及其成果,是深层次的科技创新。“元”字表示开始。在中国古代哲学概念中,指天地万物的本原,有本来、基本的涵义。科学原始创新的元创性、基础性,能推动科技领域的发明、发现,对科学技术的整体发展十分重要。而且,科学原始创新有可能导致科学观念的变革和科学方法论的飞跃。国际科学界和各国政府,对科学原始创新都给予高度重视和大力支持。但是相对于技术发明和一般性科学创新,我国的科学原始创新比较薄弱,近来引起广大科技工作者的关注。最近,在马宗晋院士的倡议下,中科院自然科学史所和北京大学科学与社会研究中心等单位,举办了“科学原始创新及其在当代中国培育发展问题”专家座谈会。与会的十多位专家学者围绕主题进行了多角度全方位的讨论。本刊特将此次研讨的部分内容以笔谈形式发表,希望有更多的人来关心和支持我国的科学原始创新事业。——编者 Primitive innovation in science is a meta-innovation in scientific basic theory and its result, and a deep scientific and technological innovation. “Yuan ” word said the beginning. In the concept of ancient Chinese philosophy, refers to the origin of all things in the world, have the original, basic meaning. The primordial and innovative nature of science can promote the invention in the field of science and technology and find that it is very important for the overall development of science and technology. Moreover, the primitive innovation of science may lead to the transformation of scientific concepts and the leap of scientific methodology. The international scientific community and governments all attach great importance and support to the original innovation in science. However, relative to technological inventions and general scientific innovations, our science innovation is relatively weak and has drawn the attention of a large number of scientists and technologists recently. Recently, at the initiative of academicians Ma Zongjin, the CASS and the Peking University Science and Social Research Center and other units held “Symposium of Experts on Scientific Original Innovation and Its Cultivation and Development in Contemporary China”. More than a dozen experts and scholars attending the symposium conducted a multi-angle all-round discussion on the theme. We hereby publish some of the contents of this symposium in the form of written speeches, hoping more people will care for and support our country's original science innovation. --editor
头面部闭合性损伤的自发性颈内动脉血栓形成可引起大脑梗塞。本文报道一男性病人因为汽车车祸而有下颌剧痛,意识清楚,由于口部创伤故有言语障碍。右面颊部裂伤 Spontaneous
涎腺混合瘤常见于腮腺及腭部,下颌骨的混合瘤,Rosenthal(1927),Melan(1932),neuhaus(1956),Morgan 和 Thoma(1940)(1)等氏曾有报告。我科最近遇到一例右下颌骨磨牙部及磨牙
己所不欲,勿施于人。躬自厚而薄责于人,则远怨矣。居处恭,执事敬,与人忠。君子敬而无失,与人恭而有礼,四海之内皆兄弟也。君子义以为质,礼以行之,孙以出之,信以成之。 Do un