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一名农场主买了双新靴子,不过有点儿小,穿起来有些夹脚,鞋匠说给他用鞋楦楦一下就会合脚了。“这可不行,”农场主说,“你不知道,每天清晨,太阳还没有出来,我就要去查看那些爱惹麻烦的奶牛,看它们有没有弄坏围栏,弄坏了就要及时修补好,或者有没有其他什么烦心事,都要及时处理。之后去办公室,听雇工们抱怨这抱怨那。最后回到家,妻子不停地跟我说,家里什么事我没有做,催着我干完。等到我可以上床休息了,我脱掉夹脚的靴子,你难以想象那种舒服!这是我糟糕的一天之中仅有的快乐呀。你说,这靴子能楦吗?”是呀,没有痛苦,何谈快乐?坦然的人生,应在痛苦中看到快乐的希望。 A farmer bought a pair of new boots, but a bit small, some pinch to wear, the shoemaker said to him using the shoe last will meet. “Farmer said, ” You do not know, every morning, the sun has not come out, I will go to see those troubled cows to see if they have not damaged the fence, broke it To promptly repaired, or have any other bothering, should be promptly dealt with .Then go to the office, to hear the employees complain about that complain that finally returned home, my wife kept telling me that at home what I did not do, reminder I finished, until I can go to bed, I take off the feet of the boots, you can not imagine the kind of comfortable! This is my worst day only happy ah. You say that the boots can last it? "Yes, no pain, what to talk about happy? Calm life, should see the joy of hope in pain.
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