Decrepitation Thermometry and Compositions of Fluid Inclusions of the Damoqujia Gold Deposit,Jiaodon

来源 :Journal of China University of Geosciences | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Virgin1988
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The recently discovered Damoqujia (大磨曲家) gold deposit is a large shear zone-hosted gold deposit of disseminated sulphides located in the north of the Zhaoping (招平) fault zone, Jiaodong (胶东) gold province, China. In order to distinguish the temperature range of cluster inclusions from different mineralization stages and measure their compositions, 16 fluid inclusions and 5 isotopic geochemistry samples were collected for this study. Corresponding to different mineralization stages, the multirange peaks of quartz decrepitation temperature (250-270, 310-360 and 380-430 ℃) indicate that the activity of ore-forming fluids is characterized by multistage. The ore-forming fluids were predominantly of high-temperature fluid system (HTFS) by CO2-rich, and SO42--K+ type magmatic fluid during the early stage of mineralization and were subsequently affected by low-temperature fluid system (LTFS) of CH4-rich, and Cl--Na+/Ca2+ type meteoric fluid during the late stage of mineralization. Gold is transferred by Au-HS- complex in the HTFS, and Au-Cl-complex can be more important in the LTFS. The transition of fluids from deeper to shallow environments results in mixing between the HTFS and LTFS, which might be one of the most key reasons for gold precipitation and large-scale mineralization. The ore-forming fluids are characterized by high-temperature, strong-activity, and superimposed mineralization, so that there is a great probability of forming large and rich ore deposit in the Damoqujia gold deposit. The main bodies are preserved and extend toward deeper parts, thereby suggesting a great potential in future. The recently discovered Damoqujia gold deposit is a large shear zone-hosted gold deposit of disseminated sulphides located in the north of the Zhaoping fault zone, Jiaodong gold province, China. In order to distinguish the temperature range of cluster inclusions from different mineralization stages and measure their compositions, 16 fluid inclusions and 5 isotopic geochemistry samples were collected for this study. Corresponding to different mineralization stages, the multirange peaks of quartz decrepitation temperature (250-270, 310- 360 and 380-430 ° C) indicate that the activity of ore-forming fluids is characterized by multistage. The ore-forming fluids were predominantly of high-temperature fluid system (HTFS) by CO2-rich, and SO42- K + type magmatic fluid during the early stage of mineralization and were subsequently affected by low-temperature fluid system (LTFS) of CH4-rich, and Cl-Na + / Ca2 + type meteoric fluid during the late stage of mineralizat ion. Gold is transferred by Au-HS-complex in the HTFS, and Au-Cl-complex can be more important in the LTFS. The transition of fluids from deeper to shallow environments results in mixing between the HTFS and LTFS, which might be one of the most key reasons for gold precipitation and large-scale mineralization. The ore-forming fluids are characterized by high-temperature, strong-activity, and superimposed mineralization, so that there is a great probability of forming large and rich ore deposit in the Damoqujia gold deposit. The main bodies are preserved and extend toward deeper parts, thereby suggesting a great potential in future.
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一、ZN_1蜗杆 按蜗杆轮齿螺旋面的形状圆柱蜗杆种别可分为5种,即阿基米德蜗杆(ZA型),渐开线蜗杆(ZI型)、法向直廓蜗杆(ZN型)、锥面包络圆柱蜗杆(ZK型)和圆弧圆柱蜗杆(ZC型)
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本文推荐用下式计算锥形转子电动机的轴向磁拉力: F_Z=πD_(2cp)·l_(eff)·tga((K_BB_g)/(F_S 5000))~2(1)式中:D_(2cp)=转子平均直径(cm);l_(eff)=有效 铁芯长度,cm;a=电