
来源 :中国邮政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nihaoyuyue2009
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“邮政为亚运添彩,亚运为京城增辉”。1990年4月10日上午,亚运村邮电局的建筑物上的这两条红色标语格外引人注目。邮电局四周的彩旗迎风招展,10辆崭新的流动服务车在路边整装待发。10点,北京市东区邮电局局长宣布亚运村邮电局开业剪彩仪式开始,军乐队奏起了欢快的迎宾曲。中顾委委员、亚运村名誉村长焦若愚,邮电部副部长朱高峰,亚运会组委会秘书长万嗣铨在乐曲声、鞭炮声和热烈的掌声中,兴致勃勃地为亚运村邮电局开业剪了彩。10辆流动服务车在由10名骑摩托车、着新绿色标志服、身披红色绶带的投递员组成的仪仗队引导下,缓缓地驶上了公路 “Postal add luster for the Asian Games, the Asian Games for the capital by bright.” On the morning of April 10, 1990, the two red slogans on the buildings of the Asian Games Village Post Office were particularly noticeable. The buzzing flags around the post office are in full swing, with 10 brand new mobile service vehicles on the roadside. 10:00, Beijing East District Post Office announced the opening ceremony of Asian Games Village Post Office began, the military band played a cheerful welcome song. Jiao Ruoyu, member of the Central Advisory Committee and honorary village head of the Asian Games Village, Zhu Gaofeng, vice minister of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications, and Wan Si-chuen, secretary-general of the Games Organizing Committee, happily opened the opening ceremony of the Asian Games Village Post Office in music, firecrackers and warm applause. . Under the guidance of a guard of honor, made up of 10 motorcyclists, new green logo suits and couriers wearing red ribbons, 10 mobile service vehicles slowly drove onto the road
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8月12日  阴  “哧啦——”妈妈把菜倒入油锅时,总会发出这样的声音。  我好奇地想:烧开的油加入水,会怎样呢?菜呢?征得爸妈同意后,我准备做一次实验。  实验开始了,“啪,啪——”我扭开了灶上的开关,火苗轻轻跳动起来,锅热啦,我将约25毫升的花生油轻轻倒进了锅里,小心翼翼地等着。不到5分钟,油娃娃就按耐不住了,像是喝了兴奋剂似的,左蹦右跳起来。我看得眼花缭乱。  “快实验呀!”一旁的妈妈提醒我
一线野战医疗所立足于现有装备条件下,怎样更好地开展 X 线检查工作呢?在老山作战的战伤救治中,我们从1984年4~8月对460名伤员照 X 线片1,195张,其中甲级片占86%;乙级片占13%
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