
来源 :液压气动与密封 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chengqiantu
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行业的形势空前大好,从来没有过的好,这是工业化现阶段的新现象。我们这个行业,正如旭日东升一样在高速发展,其发展速度超过了机械工业的平均速度。行业得到了方方面面的空前重视。20年前在这里开行业成立会议,多少年来得不到支持,现在得到了重视,特别是朱副总理提到基础件一定得搞上去,因为它是机械的重要方面,元件上不去不过关,影响到出口水平,希望我们拿出方案来,在资金上扶植加速发展。我们化了一个月拿出了方案向朱副总理汇报。人代会以后精简机构,但保留基础件司的意见是一致的。 The situation in the industry is unprecedented and it has never been better. This is a new phenomenon at the current stage of industrialization. Our industry, like the rising sun, is developing at a rapid rate, and its development speed exceeds the average speed of the machinery industry. The industry has received unprecedented attention from all quarters. The establishment of the industry meeting here 20 years ago was not supported for many years and it has now received attention. In particular, Vice Premier Zhu Rongji mentioned that the basic parts must be developed because it is an important aspect of machinery and the components are not closed. Affecting the level of exports, we hope that we will come up with plans to foster accelerated development in funding. We spent a month to come up with a plan to report to Vice Premier Zhu. The National People’s Congress streamlined the organization afterwards, but the opinion of the Department of Retaining Fundamentals was the same.
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本刊二届三次编委会工作会议于1990—9—22在老干部活动室召开,19名编委和顾问出席了会议。会议由编委会第一副主任张清朗厂长助理主持。会议议题是: 1.听取上次会议以来编