Design of terahertz band-stop filter based on a metallic resonator on high-resistivity silicon wafer

来源 :Science China(Technological Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guipian110
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In this paper, we present a terahertz (THz) band-stop filter realized by fabricating a metallic T-shaped resonator pattern on the high-resistivity silicon wafer. The filter exhibits two typical band-stop response characteristics depending on the incident direction of electric field with respect to the T-shaped resonator. When the long and the short arms of the T-shaped resonator were electrically polarized by changing the incident THz wave transmission directions, the corresponding central frequencies of the band-stop filter were found to be 0.436 THz at 42dB and 0.610 THz at 28 dB, respectively. Using three-dimensional (3D) finite-integral time-domain simulations, the band-stop filter was designed, which can operate in the wavelength between 0.2 and 0.8 THz. Experimental verification was also performed using a free space THz time-domain spectroscopy system. The band-stop response characteristics are in good agreement with the simulation results. The interesting THz band-stop filtering properties suggest a promising application in the modern THz communication systems, THz time-domain spectroscopic imaging and THz continuous wave imaging. In this paper, we present a terahertz (THz) band-stop filter realized by fabricating a metallic T-shaped resonator pattern on the high-resistivity silicon wafer. The filter exhibits two typical band-stop response characteristics depending on the incident direction of electric When the long and the short arms of the T-shaped resonator were polarized by changing the incident THz wave transmission directions, the corresponding central frequencies of the band-stop filter were found to be 0.436 THz at 42 dB and 0.610 THz at 28 dB, respectively. Using three-dimensional (3D) finite-integral time-domain simulations, the band-stop filter was designed, which can operate in the wavelength between 0.2 and 0.8 THz. also performed using a free space THz time-domain spectroscopy system. The band-stop response characteristics are in good agreement with the simulation results. properties suggest a promising application in the modern THz communication systems, THz time-domain spectroscopic imaging and THz continuous wave imaging.
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