
来源 :青岛文学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chenchendewei
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词语鲜亮,日子安静捧一本美好的小书,泡一杯清幽的绿茶,我把自己安置在午后的阳光里。暮春的阳光很暖,小南风很暖,乌鸣声浓郁,有些花已经开过了,有些花正在怒放。草木们在阳光下闪亮,那是不是上帝的眼神,在草木中温柔地闪耀。继续品尝生活,这生命的大味啊,至美、至真、至淳、至淡,让我的每一天都充盈着喜悦,漫溢着幸福。继续坚守生活的清贫,这一颗素心呵, Words bright, quiet day holding a beautiful little book, soak a cup of quiet green tea, I placed myself in the afternoon sun. Late spring sunshine is very warm, a small southerly is very warm, Wu Ming sound rich, some flowers have been opened, and some flowers are in full bloom. The shrubs are shining in the sunshine, it is not God’s eyes, shining gently in the vegetation. Continue to taste life, the life of the great taste ah, the United States, to the true, to the sun, to light, let my day filled with joy, overflowing with happiness. Continue to adhere to the poverty of life, this one heart Oh,
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为了向日益发展壮大的国际航运业提供各种法律咨询及服务,津茂律师事务所海商海事部于1996年6月正式成立,为使阁下更好地了解本部,特将本部情况简要介绍如下: In order to
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