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宋代自立国之始,就重文轻武。直到金国铁骑闯进中原,才惊醒一部分诗人,使他们走出书斋,大声疾呼武功的重要,要求用武力收复中原。不过许多士人仅止于空洞地呼吁一番,只有少数热血书生深知光凭口诛笔伐赶不走金兵,于是刻苦习武,投笔从戎,一心让自己手有缚虎之力,身有寸箭之功,为北伐大业作出实际贡献。后一类人的杰出代表,就是陆游。 陆游胸有谋略,身怀武艺,曾仗剑离乡,亲临川陕前线,寻求用兵之机。虽然没有实现理想,但他把自己杀敌报国的夙愿和一个任侠崇武者的壮烈意志都写进了诗中,成为滋养后人的精神遗产。所以梁启超在中华民族危机深重之时自然想到了陆游: Since the founding of the founding of the Song Dynasty, heavy literature and light weapons. It was not until the Jin Dynasty cavalry broke into the Central Plains that it awakened some of the poets so that they could step out of the study and loudly proclaim the importance of martial arts and demand that the Central Plains should be recovered by force. However, many scholars only called for something hollow. Only a handful of passionate scholar knew that they were not able to get rid of the Jin soldiers. Therefore, they practiced martial arts vigorously and tried their best to get rid of the tiger. Work, make substantial contribution to the great cause of the Northern Expedition. The outstanding representative of the latter group of people is Lu You. Lu Youxiong strategy, pregnant with martial arts, had fought away from home, visit the front of Sichuan and Shaanxi, seeking military use of the machine. Although he did not realize his ideal, he wrote his poem his heroic desire to serve the country in retaliation and his heroic heroic heroic will into the poem, becoming the spiritual legacy of later generations. Therefore, Liang Qichao naturally thought of Lu You when he was in a deep crisis in the Chinese nation.
现如今,走进灯具市场,就如同走进了一个童话世界,各式各样的灯具散发出绚丽旖旎的光芒,令人目不暇接,流连忘返。   纸制的叠式灯罩绘黑色恐龙,原始的主题平添超现实意味,灯罩的黑
介绍路桥施工中软土地基的危害问题和解决方法。 Describes the hazards of soft soil foundations in road and bridge construction and their solutions.
化脓性中耳炎临床发病率较高。我们采用三步法治疗化脓性中耳炎116例,收到较好疗效,报告如下。 1 临床资料 116例均为门诊患者,其中男72例,女44例。年龄8~62岁。急性化脓性中