胸中装着农村 心里系着农民 董加耕依然那样年轻

来源 :农业发展与金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liyqi
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提起董加耕这个名字,40岁以上的人并不陌生。当年他放弃保送上北京名牌大学的机会,高中毕业立志回乡务农的事迹经广泛宣传后,全国掀起了学习高潮,他日记中的名言“身居茅屋,眼看全球,脚踩污泥,心忧天下”曾引起无数热血青年心驰神往,自觉无私地为建设社会主义新农村贡献青春。而今,滚滚长江东逝水,青山依旧,董加耕也已迈过“天命”之年,过去的荣誉,职务都不复存在了;但历史没有忘记他,人民没有忘记他,他心系农村,魂牵农村的初衷没有变。因受《农业发展与金融》之托,在一个星期三晚饭后我去拜访了他。他当天下午刚从南京回来,是受中央电视台《万家灯火》栏目中老知青董加耕续集之约去宁协办有关事宜,许是因我的家乡和他的老家盐都葛武乡董伙村仅隔一条淌港河之故,或则与他熟悉曾在乡镇企业共同为之出谋划策的缘由,他虽风尘仆仆,但毫无倦容,在他家中他和他的夫人热 Mention the name Dong Geng, people over the age of 40 is no stranger to. At that time he gave up the opportunity to be offered to a prestigious university in Beijing. After his high school graduation determined to go back to his hometown for farming, he was widely publicized and learned the climax of his studies in his diary. “Living in a hut, watching the world, Worry about the world ”has caused countless passionate youth fascinated, consciously and unselfishly contribute to building a new socialist countryside youth. Now, rolling the Yangtze River east water, Castle Peak still, Dong Kengge has also crossed the “fate” of the year, the past honor, office no longer exist; but history did not forget him, the people did not forget him, his heart The original intention of rural areas and rural areas has not changed. As a result of “Agriculture Development and Finance,” I visited him on a Wednesday after dinner. He just returned from Nanjing on the afternoon of this same day. He was assisted by Ning Laogong, a veteran of the “Wanjia Lamps” section of CCTV, to go to Ning to help co-organize the matter. Perhaps because of my hometown and his native Donggu Village, He was familiar with the reasons why township and village enterprises jointly worked for him. However, he was a long-serving but tireless man and he and his wife were hot in his family
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