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在建立社会主义市场经济体制的新形势下,如何处理好坚持社会主义思想与发展市场经济的关系,这是当前思想政治建设特别是干部思想政治建设面临的重大新课题。首先,要看到两者的一致性。这种一致性表现在两个方面:其一,坚持社会主义思想政治建设能保证社会主义市场经济健康发展。因为思想政治建设能为发展社会主义市场经济提供精神动力和政治保证。其二,发展社会主义市场经济为加强思想政治建设提供了新的有利条件。比如,社会主义市场经济提倡的以公共利益为前提的本位利益观,能促使人们克服平均主义的物质利益观,树立科学的物质利益观;社会主义市场经济提倡的“义”和“利”相结合的价值观,能促使人们克服“重义轻利”的小生产价值观,树立“义”和“利”相统一的正确价值观;社会主义市场经济提倡的以互助合作为基础的新型竞争观,能促使人们克服尔虞我诈和你死我活的竞争观,从而树立起开拓进取精神与助人为乐风格相结合的竞争观,等等。 Under the new situation of establishing a socialist market economic system, how to deal with the relationship between upholding the socialist concept and developing a market economy is a major new topic currently facing ideological and political construction, especially the ideological and political building of cadres. First of all, we must see the consistency of the two. This consistency manifests itself in two aspects. First, adhering to the socialist ideological and political building can guarantee the sound development of the socialist market economy. Because ideological and political construction can provide spiritual motivation and political guarantee for the development of the socialist market economy. Second, the development of a socialist market economy has provided new favorable conditions for strengthening ideological and political building. For example, the self-interest concept based on the public interest advocated by the socialist market economy can prompt people to overcome the egalitarian concept of material interests and establish a scientific concept of material interests. The “justice” and “social justice” advocated by the socialist market economy, The value of combining “profit” and “profit” can prompt people to overcome the small values ​​of production of “reliance and light profits” and establish the correct values ​​of unity of “justice” and “benefit”. The socialist market economy advocates The new concept of competition based on mutual aid and cooperation can prompt people to overcome the intrigues of intrigue and the concept of competition that you live and die, so as to establish a competitive outlook that combines the pioneering spirit and the help-for-enjoy style.
孙大人的名号是你叫的吗?  我可不是老百姓!  那你是谁?  我是会写词的老百姓!
热线抢答    崇州市廖家中学 莫妍:  我今年16岁,内向而自卑。在暑假的一个夜晚,认识了一个二十几岁的男生,发生了一些不好的事情。我不敢向家人诉说,只好把这份苦恼又神秘的“爱情”藏在心里,读书的精力自然分散了。每天都会情不自禁地思念他,电话成了我们唯一的联系方式。我也曾经试图走向正确的道路,可是越是克制,那种感觉越是强烈,我快要崩溃了。我想结束这份没有结果的爱情,可是却又一次和他见面,仅仅凭着
热线抢答    仁寿县汪洋中学 李竹慧:  我的一个朋友,在15岁的时候,才知道自己是一个被遗弃的女孩。养母对她说:“你别怪他们狠心,也是没有办法……十月怀胎毕竟也很辛苦呀!”我的朋友像是当头挨了一棒,懵了,接着就哭了。她从此开始仇恨自己的亲生父母和哥哥,只想回去揍他们一顿,成绩也从班上的一二名下降到倒数几名。我很是为她着急,常常劝她、开导她,可是她都听不进去,甚至还想去死。  遇到这样使自己一下