国家机械工业局行业管理司于 2 0 0 0年 3月 13日以机管〔2 0 0 0〕 0 72号文 ,就国家质量技术监督局制定的《关于强制性标准实行条文强制的若干规定》有关事宜作出了部署。具体内容有如下三方面 :1.强制性标准制修订计划的列项仍严格控制在原强制性标准的范围内。新列项目应在
The Industry Management Department of the State Administration of Machinery Industry adopted the article [2000] 0 72 on March 13, 2000, which stipulates certain provisions concerning the enforcement of mandatory provisions on compulsory standards formulated by the State Bureau of Quality and Technical Supervision. "The relevant matters have been deployed. The specific contents are as follows: 1. The items of the mandatory standard system revision plan are still strictly controlled within the scope of the original mandatory standards. New column items should be